Contact Us

Meeting your accountant is 80% compliance chat and 20% impactful decision making. For business owners working with Nordens, it’s the other way around. 

Nordens team of chartered accountants and advisors based in Essex and London makes it easy and fun for you to stay on-top of your finances.

After you contact us by filling in the form, a member of the Nordens Chartered Accountants and Advisors client success team will:

  • Get back to your enquiry within 24 hours
  • Understand your challenges, no pressure, just conversation
  • Tailor a service package that solves those challenges
  • Work with you to form a bespoke strategic plan that lays a path to achieving your business, personal and financial goals

Whatsapp: 02085300720

Our Locations:

  • The Retreat
    406 Roding Lane South
    Woodford Green, Essex
    IG8 8EY

  • 8 Coldbath Square
    EC1R 5HL

Book a no pressure chat with the Nordens Chartered Accountants and Advisors Success Team

Once you fill out this form, you’ll be contacted within 24 hours

    Upon submitting your form Nordens will process your information in line with our privacy policy.

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