How we helped:

Cube Developments

To unlock their potential through a strategic accountancy and advisory partnership.

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Cube Developments, a dynamic player in the property sector, has been at the forefront of transforming vacant and underused commercial properties into thriving residential and mixed-use spaces. Their commitment to progressive thinking and versatility has led to a diverse portfolio, ranging from single-dwelling residential investments to large-scale apartment blocks and ground rent investments. With a focus on acquiring speculative, empty ground floor commercial units, Cube Developments collaborates with various stakeholders, including house builders, housing associations, and residential developers. 

The Brief

Cube Developments faced challenges inherent in their industry, including the acquisition of diverse commercial properties, navigating complex planning requirements, and efficiently working with housing associations to develop affordable housing units. The need for strategic financial management, compliance, and tax advice became paramount to sustain and enhance their rapid growth. 

Services To Support

We stepped in to provide Cube Developments with comprehensive compliance services, tax advice and advisory services.

This involved a meticulous review of financial records, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards, and implementing robust accounting practices. By aligning Cube Developments with industry-specific compliance, we enabled the company to operate seamlessly within legal frameworks.  

Additionally, with a detailed understanding of the intricate tax landscape in the property sector, we delivered tailored tax advice to Cube Developments. This included strategic tax planning, optimising tax structures, and identifying opportunities for tax savings. Our proactive approach ensured Cube Developments could navigate the complex tax environment efficiently, maximising returns on their diverse property investments. 

Finally, understanding Cube Developments’ diverse projects and the ever-evolving property industry, we provided them with strategic advisory services. This involved in-depth financial analysis, risk assessment, and guidance on optimising financial strategies. Nordens became a trusted partner, offering insights that supported Cube Developments in making informed decisions and maximising the value of their property portfolio. 

The Result

Through our compliance services and strategic financial advisory, Cube Developments experienced enhanced financial efficiency, and streamlined processes and adherence to compliance standards ensured that the financial aspects of their projects were well managed, contributing to the overall success of their ventures. 

Our tailored tax advice resulted in significant tax optimisation for Cube Developments. By identifying and implementing tax-efficient strategies, we helped minimise tax liabilities and maximise returns on their property investments, contributing to the financial health of the company. 

Cube Developments benefited from our strategic advisory services, gaining valuable insights into market trends, risk assessment, and financial strategies. This empowered them to make informed decisions, contributing to the successful development and acquisition of diverse commercial properties. 

In conclusion, the partnership between Nordens & Cube Developments has been instrumental in navigating the complexities of the property industry. By providing compliance services, tailored tax support, and strategic advisory services, we have played a pivotal role in enhancing Cube Developments’ financial resilience and supporting their mission of transforming vacant properties into thriving, purposeful spaces. The collaboration has not only strengthened Cube Developments’ financial foundation but has also positioned them for sustained growth in the ever-changing property landscape.