Empowering Women in Music for a More Equitable Industry 

Women in Music

The music industry is vibrant, diverse, and incredibly creative, yet it continues to face systemic challenges that disproportionately affect women.

The ongoing investigation into the allegations against Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs aka P Diddy, alongside recent findings from the first-ever UK Musicians’ Census are concerning. They underscore a troubling reality: women in the music industry are far more likely to encounter abuse, sexual harassment, discrimination, and pay inequality. The survey specifically reveals that women earn 10% less than men on average and are eight times more likely to face discrimination, making it clear that the path to success is fraught with additional obstacles for female musicians. 

At Nordens, we recognise these challenges and are committed to offering support and guidance tailored to the unique needs of women in music. With an unparalleled blend of music industry expertise and with over 60% of our company comprised of talented and dedicated women, our accountancy and advisory firm is uniquely positioned to help female musicians navigate the complexities of the music business. Our services, including negotiation support, cash flow management, and investment advice, are designed to level the playing field and create more opportunities for women to thrive. 

Why Choose Nordens? 

1. Expertise in Music Industry Challenges: Our deep understanding of the music industry enables us to provide targeted advice that addresses the specific financial and career hurdles women face. 

2. Negotiation Support: We equip our clients with the skills and confidence needed to negotiate fair contracts and salaries, ensuring they are compensated appropriately for their talent and hard work. 

3. Strategic Cash Flow Management: Our tailored cash flow management strategies help female musicians make the most of their earnings, safeguarding their financial stability in an industry known for its unpredictability. 

4. Investment Advice: We work with IFA’s who can provide you with investment guidance to help you grow your wealth, secure your future, and fund your artistic endeavours. 

5. A Safe and Supportive Environment: We pride ourselves on being an excellent accountancy firm for women in the music industry, with over 60% of our company comprising of women, a leadership team comprising 2 female directors and with women making up over 60% of our executive board, we mean it when we say that we understand the importance of representation and provide a welcoming and supportive space for women in the industry.  

The challenges highlighted by the UK Musicians’ Census and the investigation into P Diddy cannot be overlooked. It’s time for actionable change, and Nordens is at the forefront, empowering female musicians to achieve their financial and career goals while advocating for a more equitable and inclusive music industry.  

Let us help you navigate the business side of your music career so you can focus on what you do best: creating unforgettable music. Connect with us to learn how we can support your journey towards financial empowerment and success in the music industry. 

If you’re a woman in music facing these industry challenges, or if you’re interested in how our specialised services can help, reach out to us. Together, we can work towards a future where the music industry celebrates and rewards talent, irrespective of gender. 

Contact Nordens today to schedule a consultation and start your journey to financial empowerment. 

Follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated with our latest insights and how we’re making an impact in the music industry. 


By leveraging our expertise and providing a safe space for women in the music industry, we’re not just offering accounting and business advice—we’re contributing to a broader movement for equality and fairness. Join us in this important work.