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Is your marketing plan as tired as your business brand?

There are many ways to market your business, and the key to maximising your efforts and marketing spend is to inject variety in your marketing plan.

Following are four tips on how you can diversify your marketing to increase market reach and impact.

Revitalise Your Business Branding

If your brand hasn’t had a makeover in many years, it may be time for a new look. This can be one of the most creative and fun aspects of your marketing plan, but it should not be left to amateurs. Remember, your brand is the cornerstone of your marketing. Work with professionals to assess if it is time to vary your brand. If this is given the green light, seek their assistance to develop a strong logo and be sure to include it on all promotions and communications.

Be a Volunteer

A frequently overlooked part of a marketing plan is charitable community giving. Goodwill marketing often has the longest and most lasting impact on the people you want to attract to your business. Consider adopting a charity or offer pro bono services. You may want to donate merchandise, contribute to fundraising auctions or sponsor an event for a local non-profit organization. Most charities make a point to thank their sponsors publicly in their newsletters, programs and advertisements.


Create a presence on Facebook to stay in touch with current customers and connect with leads. Remember, communication should be central to your marketing plan. Create a page for your business. This is free, easy to set up and a powerful marketing tool if used properly. Like and share content daily. This process can be automated. The content does not need to reflect your business product or service offering. Be creative and have fun. Share quotes, cartoons, photos etc. to engage with your Facebook community. Regularly run promotions from your Facebook page if this is appropriate to your business. You can connect with us on Facebook here!

Get Your Business Online

Today’s marketplace demands that businesses have a website. It’s okay to start out small with one or two pages. Once you’ve experimented with the web, you’ll be prepared to expand it with the appropriate information. Again, ideally seek professional assistance to maximise this marketing tool.

Here at Nordens we offer advice and solutions to help you grow your business – and this includes introductions to our network of trusted professional colleagues in all areas of the business field. If you’d like support with any business activities – or, of course – with your accounting, please call us on 020 8530 0720 or email

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