Keyword: Business Finance

Recession Proof Your Business
2 September 2020Figures released this month confirmed that the UK is now officially in a recession, however there are many businesses that are able to thrive during […]
SMEs Risk Missing Out On Government Coronavirus Grants
28 August 2020It has come to our attention that a massive 69,543 of eligible SMEs in England have yet to claim for the government Coronavirus grants announced […]
CBILS Extension
20 August 2020The government have approved for accredited lenders to be given an extra two months to consider applications for finance under the coronavirus business interruption loans […]
Save Your Business From Failure
31 July 2020We have rounded up three of the top reasons we have found that small businesses fail. so that you can be on the lookout for […]
What Do The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme Changes Me...
21 July 2020Following the recent EU changes in State Aid Law relating to the ‘undertaking in difficulty’ test for businesses, the British Business Bank has amended its […]
Current Business Challenges And How To Overcome Them
17 July 2020Regardless of size, location, or funding, business up and down the country have faced a whole new set of challenges presented by the covid pandemic. […]
Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund
7 July 2020Small Business Grant Fund and Retail, Hospitality & Leisure Grants might not cover every business on the high street. A third small business grant, the […]
Bounce Back Loans – Your Funding Opportunities
20 May 2020Following widespread criticism of the availability and effectiveness of the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), the government introduced an unprecedented support package to help […]
Chancellor Has Extended The Furlough Scheme To The End Of June
17 April 2020Good news for many! Following on from yesterday’s announcement to keep the social distancing measures in place, for a minimum of a further three weeks, the […]