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Lord Seb Coe – a visionary leader

Our tax specialist Denise was recently invited as a VIP guest to a Celebrity Summit event of the Entrepreneurs Circle.

Lord Sebastian Coe gave an inspiring talk on his strategies for assembling his team for the 2012 Olympics, making some interesting points on leadership. Here’s Denises’s summary of Lord Coe’s top tips…

  • Continuity is key. Bringing people with the same vision together in any work situation is both a science and an art; it’s not just about technical abilities, but having the best abilities.
  • Internally articulate the vision of the business.
  • Surround yourself with the smartest people buying into the vision and don’t be intimated by them.
  • When you have the best people around you, the objective is to remove all obstacles which inhibit them from doing their job. Don’t micro manage.
  • Have a resilient team that you can trust and have a great relationship with.
  • Spend time with your team, trying to influence and understand them.
  • Don’t lose sight of the most important questions: WHY are we doing this? And HOW are we doing it?
  • Don’t ask anyone to do something you wouldn’t be prepared to do yourself.
  • Communicate and live to the vision – every hour of every day!

Lord Coe was as inspiring as a speaker as he was a leader, particularly leading up to, and during, the 2012 Olympics.  His legacy won’t be forgotten in a hurry; will yours?

We hope you found this insight thought-provoking. If you’d like to chat to our strategic business specialists about ways to motivate your team or other strategies to increase your revenue, give us a call on 020 8530 0720, or email

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