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Nordens Spotlight – Our New Tax Manager Adam Truluck

One of the most recent additions to our senior management team here at Nordens has been our new Tax Manager, Adam Truluck. Adam has acquired a wealth of experience working in and around tax for over 17 years and brings with him an abundance of knowledge, personality and leadership to serve him well in his new position.

We spoke to Adam on his beginnings with Nordens, the main things he has and will be covering as our Tax Manager and what the future holds for our tax department moving forward.


How has the first few months been at Nordens since becoming the new Tax Manager?

It’s been really good, especially with everyone including the staff and clients being so welcoming upon my arrival. It honestly has changed my life becoming part of such an amazing family dynamic at Nordens, from the work ethic to the overall DNA of the company being very much aligned to my own values.

It’s certainly been a busy period since I’ve joined, but it’s definitely better being busy than having nothing on at all. I feel like I’ve hit the ground running since I’ve started at Nordens and everyone has been very open to chat, collaborate and just check in, which has been a huge breath of fresh air.


What has been the main things that you’ve covered and dealt with clients since joining?

Obviously to start with, we sent out a broadcast email to all of our tax clients explaining that I’ll be taking over. This has resulted in a lot of update calls with clients which has been great as it has given me a solid background of who and where they are in terms of business and finances.

Ironically, I’ve had a lot of Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning questions and enquiries with a large uptake of new clients taking out our IHT services which has been surprising but also very welcomed. Most probably with the pandemic offering people a lot of time to re-evaluate, people are choosing to make sure their finances are protected once they pass away. The let property campaign is also something which is heavily on the agenda at the minute, so a lot of enquiries have been dealing with that. These have been the two main things which have made up the bulk of my initial workload since starting here.


What have you enjoyed most about the new role and why was it that you chose Nordens?

The big first impression I got from Nordens was an incredibly progressive and open company to work for. The flexibility provided here has been so refreshing, being allowed to work on the schedule and circumstances which suits me and my own personal life. There’s such an emphasis on diversity and mental health here, which is something that is so important especially in this day and age.

The family emphasis of everyone in the company being together as one, watching each other’s backs, is so lovely to be a part of. That attitude was a big seller for me when I chose to take the role. That concentrated focus on you as a person and not just as a staff member is something which has made me so proud to join the team and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.


Tax is such a wide varying topic, but where do you think your particular strengths and areas of interest lie?

I have quite a cross spectrum of knowledge, as any good tax manager should, when it comes to tax. My big interest though and the thing I most enjoy is a good tax enquiry. It really makes it worthwhile when you’re taking on or challenging HMRC about a concern that needs addressing. You’re essentially going head to toe with a heavily backed government entity, so you need to be tactical and sharp when relaying information or asking them to budge. It’s also where I’ve no doubt acquired the most knowledge, where new things crop up and I must research them in order to make a substantial claim. My track record of tax enquiries I have to admit is very strong, which I’m proud of, and I will always try to keep that up.

As well as this, my whole working life I’ve always loved representing the self-employed, especially small traders. It feels so rewarding helping these guys out as the smallest things or wins can make such a huge difference in their lives. The rental market is also something I’ve grown to become very adept in dealing with, helping landlords out and knowing the small details in terms of tax which are often completely unknown to the average Joe.


What do you foresee in the next 12 months in the tax department at Nordens and what do you aim to achieve?

When I joined, the conversation with Mitch, our CEO, was always looking at the future and ways that we can grow and achieve even further success. I want the tax department to become an integral cog in the Nordens machine, where our services of helping out clients will become renowned in the industry.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to expand the tax team, with myself heading the department. This would include a few juniors and a semi-senior professional perhaps, where we’ll be able to generate a whole team of professionals to assist in enquiries and any issues that clients may need solving. The future is certainly exciting here and I look forward to working with Nordens for the long-term!

We hope this has outlined the advantages and progressive opportunities that joining Nordens offers. If you require any further information on any tax schemes, or anything accounting related for that matter, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us at Nordens where one of our trusted advisors would be happy talking you through your query.

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