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Nordens’ success at the Graham Roberts Charity Golf Day

We recently entered a team in The Graham Roberts Golf Day. In case you’re not sure who Graham Roberts is, he’s a former footballing legend with an illustrious career defending numerous clubs – including Tottenham Hotspur (where he won the FA Cup and the UEFA Cup) and Rangers (where he won the Scottish League and Scottish League Cup).

Graham’s golf day is an annual charity event held in support of the Centre Algarve, a holiday destination for people with different needs.  Our day kicked off (notice the football pun!) with coffee and bacon rolls, after which we played in teams of three, each team being joined by a football hero.  With a wonderful dinner to end the day, complete with prize giving and a charity auction, everyone enjoyed the opportunity to help raise funds for this exceptional cause.

The Nordens trio consisted of our own ‘legend’ – Henry, a man who loves golf almost as much as he loves accounting. (Or should that be the other way around?!)  He was joined by two of our clients, Andy O’ Sullivan and Rob Newman, and the team was delighted to be completed by West Ham footballing superhero and TV sports commentator, Tony Cottee.

Out of 23 teams we came a creditable 10th and left feeling very pleased with ourselves. It was a great day with sunshine, camaraderie and a good deal of money raised for a worthy charity.

If you’d like to know about the tax implications of holding your own fundraising day, please call our team on 020 8530 0720, or email

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