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Unlimited investment for your business

Can you imagine receiving unlimited investment to take your business sky-high? This is no longer a dream – our ‘Dragon’s Den’ style process is making it happen for 10 businesses – and one of them could be yours!

Due to the overwhelming response to the Business Factor, where a panel of investors are ready to invest in YOUR business, we have extended the deadline for applications.

An UNLIMITED fund is waiting to be invested to take ten business from where they are now to where they want to be. Whether this is to drive your business forward in huge leaps or change direction to achieve goals you thought were unattainable…. it’s up to you!

The first step is simply to complete this quick questionnaire. The deadline is midnight on Monday, 12th February – so what are you waiting for? This is not a business gimmick – it’s a real opportunity for growth, business and financial success.

If you have any queries or need help to complete the questionnaire, please call us on 020 8530 0720.

If you’re not yet a Nordens’ client, please speak to Paula Webb when you phone and she’ll run through the full list of benefits.

Here’s to future success!

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