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Corporate International: Global Awards 2020

New year, new decade, same winning streak!

We are proud to announce that we are the winners of the Global Corporate Business Turnaround Service Advisory Firm Of The Year – England. Corporate INTL’s annual awards mark excellence for the world’s leading advisers and financiers in an array of countries and continents around the globe. Business Turnaround Accounting (also known as Turnaround Management) is a way to turn a failing business into a successful one again. To be selected out of 50,000 global businesses and win in such a difficult sector is an honour!

Last week, a satin lined weighty box arrived at the office. Have a look on our Instagram here to see a picture.

Absolutely delighted to have won the 2020 business turnaround award for the second year running. Olga and our turnaround  team at Nordens are exceptional and I am extremely proud we are able to help business owner’s turnaround their businesses should they be in trouble or underperforming, to businesses that are highly profitable. Due to the current times, this division has been and will prove to be extremely valuable. Here at Nordens we pride ourselves in helping ANY business, regardless of size to achieve its goals.

Winning these awards wouldn’t be possible without you, our clients. Thank you for your business, your trust in our expertise and your helpful feedback.

We must give a special shout out to Olga Wilson and her team personally. Without their efforts this wouldn’t be possible. This is only the beginning of what your department is capable of. We look forward to a thriving 2020 with many more happy clients.

If you believe that you would benefit from the services our strategic team have to offer, feel free to email us on or call in on 02085300720

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