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Live Webinar – *New future? Updates, Digitalising And Simple Ways To Free Up Cash!*

Watch back our live recording of our lunch and learn webinar with Mitch Hahn - Nordens CEO, Mark Norden - Nordens Chairman, Joe Sword - Director of Nordens Strategic Consultancy Division, Panayiota Viglas - Director of Nordens and Accounting2You (Cloud Accounting) and Darren Hahn - Strategic and Corporate Finance Division. Mark discussed where he thinks we are and if he thinks there is a new normal and if we should look to adjust. With Covid-19 pushing everything to become digital, we discussed digital transformations with Panayiota, how it can make a positive impact on your business plus, how it can help you free up your time and many other benefits. Joe and Darren, discussed simple ways to free up cash in your business and some ideas and tips on things you can do right now to improve your cashflow. There was an opportunity for live viewing guests to ask any questions they might have at the end. Should you have any queries, please contact us on 02085300720 or email #NotTheOrdinary

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