Accountants and Advisors for the

Professional Services industry

In the world of professional services, the single most important thing is ensuring you are delivering the best possible service to your clients. In order to do that, you need to take advantage of having industry specialist tax, audit and accountancy advisors at your disposal to help you to navigate the complexities that come with the industry.

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Our clients

Professional services firms, whilst facing the same universal business challenges, operate within a uniquely complex regulatory landscape. Our band of experts isn’t your run-of-the-mill support team. We’ve walked miles in your shoes, with a deep understanding of everything from the pulse that drives your firm to the unique DNA of your partnerships. Whether you’re flying solo, part of a dynamic duo, steering an LLP, or orchestrating the moves of a Workforce Management Team, we’ve got the blueprint for your success.

How can our advisers help the Professional Services industry?

From SRA Audits to shareholder agreements, we're here to help ensure your professional services business thrives.


SRA Audit

If you are a solicitor who is obliged to record the money that moves through their client accounts, you will need an SRA Audit (Solicitors Regulation Authority). For example, any conveyancing and probate activity where the solicitor keeps the money of their client while the customer is purchasing or selling a home.

Business Audit

A business audit is an in-depth investigation of a company’s operations in order to comprehend the company’s overall status, which is then recorded. As a result, you will be able to verify that the financial accounts of the organisation are accurate. Accounting audits, operational audits, and human resource audits are the three kinds of audits.

Pension or Grant Audit

A pension audit is when a pension scheme’s financial accounts and contributions are audited by an independent auditor who is selected by the scheme’s trustees.

Financial Conduct Authority

For the UK financial services sector, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) acts as a watchdog to ensure that all businesses adhere to the appropriate regulations. To remain FCA-registered firms, companies must adhere to stringent guidelines set out by the FCA itself.

We have specialists that can assist you in understanding all of the criteria so that your company can comprehend and follow the guidelines given.



Our Payroll outsourcing services can be tailored to fit your company’s requirements. Our team can handle all of your payroll needs, including calculating salaries and deductions and transferring funds to all of your employees’ accounts so that you may continue to maintain your own payroll department.


Dealing with limited company, partnership, LLP and corporation tax compliance


Say goodbye to mountains of paperwork. Our cloud-based solutions mean your finances are always at your fingertips. We can also manage supplier chain payments for you, taking away the headache of day-to-day payment responsibilities.

Credit control

Chasing payments? Not your job. We’ll play the enforcer, so you get paid on time, every time, maintaining the rhythm of your cash flow.

Annual accounts

More than just a regulatory hoop, think of annual accounts as your business’s yearly health check. We ensure you’re not just surviving but thriving.

Company formations

Starting a new venture? From legal structures to strategic planning, we’ve got your back.

Forensic accounting

Think of us as the detectives in the financial world, diving deep to uncover facts, protect your assets, and keep your business’s integrity spotless.

Management accounting

Real-time insights = forward-thinking strategies.


IHT Planning

Inheritance tax or IHT can be quite a sensitive subject for many families and individuals, yet it is an important area that should be planned and thought out with the support of IHT specialists. We have a team of experts that can work with you to help you reduce or avoid IHT in a number of ways you may not of considered.

Personal tax planning

You’re unique, and so is your tax situation. Tailored strategies ensure you keep more of your hard-earned success.

Tax returns

Deadlines? Stress? Let’s leave those to suspenseful plot twists. We handle your tax returns with ease, accuracy, and perhaps a touch of flair.

Tax compliance

Playing by the rules doesn’t mean missing out. Stay compliant, smart, and ahead of the game, ensuring peace of mind and a focus on what you do best

Tax investigation and enquiries

In order to shield you from the burden of extra accountancy expences incurred during a tax investigation, we urge that our customers take use of our Tax Investigation Service, if you use this service, you will not be responsible for the costs of accounting fees linked with an HMRC inquiry.


There has been a huge increase in professional services firms taking advantage of R&D tax credits, yet many are still unaware that they may potentially have a claim. We help you explore whether there is potential there, and, if there is, can take you through the process so that you can inject some cash back into the business.


Business structure

Partnership or LLP? Is there a place for a service company? What are the tax consequences of partners joining, leaving or retiring from the practice? Let us answer these questions and help you to get your structure right at every stage of the business.

Cashflow & profit forecasting

Predicting the future? Almost. Let’s ensure your financial forecasts are in line with your personal and business goals.


Funding is the lifeblood of your projects. From traditional to creative financing, let’s secure the capital to elevate your vision.

Money management

Cash flow is perhaps one of the most important areas of business. Let’s manage it with precision, keeping you fluid and flexible.

Growth advisory

Scaling your business isn’t just a goal—it’s a necessity. Tailored advice helps your business not just grow, but flourish.

Business restructuring

When it’s time to pivot, you need a plan that ensures your business stays relevant, resilient, and ready for anything.

Business planning

Dreams are the blueprints of reality. Let’s turn your visions into actionable, strategic plans.


Buying, selling, or merging, these are more than transactions—they’re transformations. Let’s make them smooth, strategic, and successful.

Exit & succession planning

Exit planning allows you to transition your business to new ownership in a managed and systematic way. Whether you want to sell, pass on to a family member or just simply take a step back – taking time to plan now will benefit all involved.

Accountability coaching

Consider us your personal trainer for business fitness. We’ll keep you focused, accountable, and pushing past your limits to achieve greatness.

Wealth managemen

In order to suit the demands of customers, wealth management is an investment advisory service we offer that incorporates other financial services. With this information, our specialist wealth advisors will create a customised plan using a wide range of financial options. We will consult with you to get a clear understanding of your objectives and personal circumstances.

So, let’s get down to business. Are you ready to rise above the ordinary, navigate the complexities with finesse, and secure your financial goals with a partner who’s as invested in your success as you are? Let’s provoke the industry together, redefine excellence, and make sure that when it comes to professional services, your firm is the one that’s not just playing the game but changing it.

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Accountancy Firms

Legal Firms



Financial Services

Investment Managers




Patent & Trademark Companies


“Nordens resolve problems that seem so big for us, and turns those into a positive. They will suggest ways forward, and ultimately helps us run our business. It’s honestly a miracle. I can only describe our relationship with Nordens as a partnership.”

Taylors Legal

“In the time I’ve worked with Nordens they’ve been nothing but fantastic. They’ve not just developed our company, our law firm, but they’ve understood our SRA rules, and they have helped us with our client accounts, and business accounts. They’ve given us the infrastructure to actually grow our company, and to work internationally around Europe and elsewhere around the world. It’s been a fantastic experience, and I look forward to continuing working with Nordens for a long time in the future.”

Oracle Solicitors


Because standard is not in our vocabulary.

Here’s why business owners choose us as the accountancy and advisory partner for their professional services firms.

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1) We Relate

Not only do we consider the challenges that the industry is prone to, but we are also constantly ready to identify and resolve any individual concerns that may arise. This usually entails adjusting your company’s accounting to the changing environment of the industry in which you operate, as well as predicting your finances in the face of the future uncertainty that professionals frequently face.

Frequently Asked Questions


How familiar are you with the industry, and can you tailor your accounting and advisory services to meet our unique needs?

Oh, come on now, this isn’t our first rodeo. We get it; the professional services industry isn’t just any other sector – it’s a complex, constantly evolving battlefield of statutes, client funds, and let’s not even start on compliance issues. Our team isn’t just acquainted with the sector; we breathe, eat, and sleep it (figuratively, of course – don’t worry, we do have other interests!). Tailoring our services? That’s the part where we really roll up our sleeves. We dive deep into understanding exactly what makes your firm tick and craft bespoke strategies that align with your ambitions, compliance requirements, and financial health. Cookie-cutter approaches are for baking, not your business.


How can you help us maximise our profitability without compromising our ethics and professional responsibilities?

Ethics and professional responsibility are the bedrock of your firm. There’s nothing more alluring than a firm that stands unshakably by its principles. We’re here to show you that integrity and profitability are not just parallel tracks but can indeed be the very same railway line. By deploying transparent, ethical financial practices and innovative profit enhancement strategies that comply with industry standards, we’ll ensure that your profitability skyrockets, while your ethical standards stay firmly in tact.


In the ever-evolving legal landscape, how do you stay ahead and keep us informed about regulatory changes that could impact our finances?

Let’s face it; the professional services world doesn’t just evolve – it leaps, bounds, and occasionally does cartwheels. Staying ahead of this whirlwind is no small feat, but we’re committed to ongoing education and have cultivated a network of resources that keep us on the cutting edge. You’ll be the first to know, and not just through a dry email update – we believe in proactive communication and will sit down with you to strategise on how to turn potential challenges into winning opportunities.


What strategies do you suggest for effective tax planning and minimisation for our firm?

Ah, taxes – the bane of your existence, right? The professional services world comes with its own set of financial intricacies, from understanding international tax obligations to understanding the tax position if a partner retires or exits the business, our expertise is your shield against the tax pitfalls that so often plague individuals and businesses in this industry.

Our approach isn’t just about looking at the numbers; it’s about understanding the story behind your firm, your future goals, and how tax planning can support your journey. From leveraging available deductions and credits tailored to your industry to strategic financial structuring that optimises your tax position – we’ve got a plethora of compliant ways to ensure you are maximising tax saving opportunities.


Can you help us streamline our financial processes to enhance efficiency and transparency with our clients?

Efficiency and transparency are not just buzzwords for us; they’re principles we live by. We bring cutting-edge technology and a dash of human brilliance to revamp your financial processes. This means not only smoother operations and happier clients but also a transparent financial environment that builds trust. Your clients will not only see the value you provide but feel it in every interaction.

Selecting the right accountant and business advisor is pivotal – so, let’s chat more about how we can embark on this journey together.


What makes you different from other accountancy firms?

Our industry specialisation means we’re not just familiar with your world; we’re part of it. We speak your language, understand your challenges, and celebrate your victories. With a blend of professional rigour and industry savvy, we’re equipped to offer insights that generic accountancy practices simply can’t.

If you’re currently considering a change of accountant, or engaging with one for the first time, reach out to one of our expert advisers to discuss your situation and consider all options available to you.