The Importance Of Taking A Break

As a business owner, working for yourself means you get to make your own hours and take holidays whenever you want, right? Well, according to a recent study, 95% of small to medium size business owners haven’t had a holiday in the last 6 months. What’s more, 99% of business owners stay in work-mode when they do take some time off. With Covid changing the world as we know it and restrictions constantly altering how we do business, it has been difficult to take time for ourselves… but it is possible.

When was the last time you truly switched off? What did you do with the free time? How did you feel when it was time to get back to work?


Some of the latest research carried out by OnDeck, highlights the challenges business owners face when planning time off, with a majority stating that it’s because their business is dependent on them. Additionally, 8 out of 10 business owners check their emails every day while on holidays, with just 5% stating that they never do. So, even when owners take some time away from the office, they’re more than likely still working. Although finding the time to take a break from running your small to medium business may be difficult, forgoing a holiday may lead to negative long-term issues.

Research shows that long hours, without breaks, can have serious health impacts. Poor dietary choices and low levels of physical activity are all contributing factors to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. And a constant focus on work can even impact personal relationships.

We’re not saying you should jet off to the Bahamas tomorrow (although that would be fantastic), but sometimes even switching off for a few hours can make the world of difference.

One of the most common examples we see, is when we visit our clients at their offices. During a one hour meeting, not only are they  discussing business with our fantastic account managers, but also constantly checking emails, being interrupted by phone calls and often having people pop in. For this reason, we like to invite our clients out of their “work comfort zone” and into our offices where they can switch off, relax and chat – and boy what a difference it makes!

You don’t need to run yourself into the ground in order to create a thriving business. Speak to one of our account managers about our fantastic one page plan. It is a tool we use with entrepreneurs whereby, we align what you want to achieve personally with your business-related goals. It is also an instrument for gathering all the creative thoughts and growth plans that we discussed and getting it down in writing on one strategic vision document. This in turn, should free up some of your time for you to focus on the more important things.


Burnout is a real thing, and if you reach breaking point, you won’t be able to run your business effectively anyway. You do need to be realistic about when you take a break to recharge and give everyone in your business a lot of prior warning.

With these tips, we can learn how to find the time to take a break, as well as switch off and enjoy.

Document the way you do things – Get workflows in place and document the systems you use and how you manage the business. Then train your teams well before you take your break to ensure they can handle everything thrown at them.

Use technology to your advantage – Doing things the old way may be the way you operate, but utilising technology can streamline operations and even result in scheduling things for while you’re away. Investing time in adopting new technology, such as a cloud-based system, and training your teams to use it will make taking a holiday a lot easier.

Manage expectations – Put in place a chain of command for clients/customers to contact in your absence. Let big clients know in advance that you’re going away and turn on your out of office email and add in who they can contact instead.

Set rules – If you must check on your business or answer emails while you’re away, designate an allotted time and make sure your employees are aware when it will be. Be sure not to break these rules and shut the computer or emails down once the time is up.

Book a holiday every year – The more you’re out of the office, the more confident your teams will become, and you’ll be able to take a break regularly to recharge and refocus.

We are fully aware that we probably need to practice these tips too! Nordens have a department which helps make sure your systems are as efficient as they can be and can help you automate and digitalise as much of it as possible..

Traditional companies don’t have to build cultures identical to digital-born darlings, but they must be digital enough to foster success without your input 24/7. Now’s your chance to hit that reset button, get rid of what is not working, and make data-driven decisions about accelerating your business into a digital future that allows you to relax and invest your time in the important things. Find out more about our digital transformation services HERE 

Both the government and banks will need all of your paperwork to be up to date and in order to consider you for any loans or grants. Make your life easier by ensuring that you have sent everything in to us, in order and on time so that we can assist you with the best financial options for your business.

Get in touch to find out more on 02085300720 or email