Starting A Business? Watch This

With furlough and government support coming to an end, according to some data I read this morning, 1 in 3 UK businesses are due to make redundancies which is just HUGE. In the private sector a wapping 38% and 16% in the public sector. That is additional to how many people that are currently out of work which is at its all time high! It is not ALL doom and gloom. Have you always had a business idea or a few business ideas you have always wanted to do? Or not had the time for? Or just not had the knowhow? Or you may already own a business but just have another idea (which is common)? What a great opportunity to start up now! Companies such as UBER, Whatsapp, AirBnB and GroupOn were all started in the 2008 recession all because they JUST DID IT! And one person or a group of people actually took action and believed in their ideas… or maybe they didn’t have a choice… but whatever it was, it paid off! BIG TIME.. We have a division which specialise in start up businesses and Starting a new business can be quite daunting. There are some issues a new entrepreneur will encounter: legal issues, financing, marketing, product development, intellectual property, human resources—the list is endless. Many new entrepreneurs are simply overwhelmed by all the things they are expected to know. Having been involved in hundreds of startups as an entrepreneur, accountant, , investor, and Board member, I have learned a number of real-world lessons. In this video, I am going to give some of the most important ones I have come across.

1. Come up with a great name for your business.

2. Understand That Raising Financing Is Difficult.

3. Focus on Building a Great Product—But Don’t Take Forever to Launch.

4. Become a Strong Salesperson.

5. Build a Great Website for Your Company.

6. Perfect Your Elevator Pitch.

7. Understand Financial Statements and Forecasts.

 8. Market your Business Like Crazy.

Watch our latest Nordens TV video to see these broken down in full... There is no time like the present, so if you have a business idea you believe in! Go for it as some of the best businesses have been set up in the toughest of times! Get in touch to find out more about our business start up package and how we can help you on your journey of becoming a successful business owner. Get in touch for a free consultation today! 02085300720 or email