What is R&D? Is your business eligible?

Many businesses do not know whether they are entitled to R&D or not, and often go to the first R&D advisors they’re suggested. With many boutiques and firms using R&D incorrectly and illicitly, you need to know what to look out for and what makes a valid and legitimate claim. We’ve covered all of this and much more including the new policy changes coming in April 2023, in our latest video on Nordens TV.

The webinar is hosted by Nordens’ CEO, Mitch Hahn, where he is joined by Nordens’ Director of Strategic Advisory, Joe Sword, as well as Nordens’ Tax Manager and R&D specialist, Adam Truluck. As always, if you’d like to see if you’re eligible for an R&D claim, our expert team will analyse your business operations and financials for FREE, to see if you qualify. Get in touch with us by emailing enquiries@nordens.co.uk or by calling 020 8530 0720.