Is your accountant the right person for your business?

CEO at Nordens Chartered Accountants, Mitch Hahn, talks about his frustrations with the accountancy industry, particularly, how typical practices serve their clients reactively, and aren't interested in helping them with their bigger picture business success.

"What frustrates me most about traditional accountancy firms is the amount of basic information that is still being gatekept from you that your accountant should be providing as standard.

Whilst a lot of accountants SAY they offer their clients ‘proactive advice’ and ‘advisory services’, they still just crunch the numbers, so they gate keep basic compliance stuff to keep you feeling like you’re receiving value from them.

No one is up all night excited by their annual accounts review meeting, if you’re in business, remember ‘why’ you set-it up in the first place and think to yourself, is my accountant helping me get there? "

If you're looking for an accountant that can really understand your business and help elevate it to the next level, then get in touch with us today!